In Love Hack Part 2, it is now the time to do some ranking out of the list of 50 traits of
What are you looking for in a mate.
First step will involve ranking them to three different categories:
- Mandatory - Die die must have (10 points)
- Essential - Good to have (5 points)
- Negligible - Don't have also ok(1 points)
After my first attempt in ranking the 50 traits, I realized I have placed a whole chunk of 29 characteristics into the first mandatory category. Oh boy, I am demanding I thought to myself.
So to be more realistic, another category
"deal breaker" will help to determine the first and most important benchmark. This category will have the most points (50 points) and will certainly make or break the possibilities of a potential date.
Version 1 now looks like this:
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The total possible score is 805. With a mean score of 402.5, I think the average score 400 serves as a good benchmark to qualifies as a potential. Of course the spreadsheet can be revisited when you get to know the person better overtime.
Let's proceed with some sample checks.
Mr Geek is an ex colleague and friend for years now. He semi unwillingly surrender himself as my first guinea pig. Has a sense of humor checked, respectful checked, honesty checked. Final score of 301. Hmm, as a platonic friend, I think that result is fairly reasonable.
Mr NYPD, actually someone I knew from LAX airport when I was transiting to Houston. We still kept in touch till now but he is physically FAR FAR AWAY from Singapore. Based on my understanding, he is positive, confident, passionate, improves his physical health, knows the importance of family. Final score: 434. Should I deduct score because he is not physically in the same country as me and I don't see ourselves being in the same country anytime soon? Oh well, he's cute. :P
Mr Green. I've actually known Mr Green for more than 8 years now. We don't meet very often but we did express interest to each other back then. Surprisingly his score is only around 367. Maybe, the numbers do speak some truth.
Mr Southie has been a friend for at least 3 years? He is currently not physically in Singapore as he travels a lot for work. Another surprise that he scored 416 which is above the mean score. Do I see myself being with him? I actually don't think so. Note to self, a pinch of salt here.
Mr Classmate for the final testing and to make sure the system works alright. And fair enough, his final score is around 323.
I've known most peers in this sample test for at least couple of years. So I don't really know how well the Love Hack Score Matrix will help me in translating scores for new friends. But I think a few tweaks along the way is inevitable.
Just in time for this dating event I am going to attend this Saturday!
Missy Piggy